The Respiratory System Anatomical Chart - Image 1 of 2
The Respiratory System Anatomical Chart - Image 2 of 2
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The Respiratory System Anatomical Chart




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The Respiratory System Anatomical Chart

Anatomical Chart Company RESPIRATORY Chart

The Respiratory System illustrates the complete respiratory system from the frontal sinus to the diaphragm.central illustration shows the lungs and conducting system.Includes detailed labeled views ofparanasal sinuses - anterior and lateral viewmuscles and cartilages of the larynxbronchopulmonary segmentsrespiratory mucosaAlso shows a detail of the structure of intrapulmonary airways and the cross section of alveolusexplains the conducting system and gas exchangeexplains and diagrams lungs and pleurae and ventilationMade in USAAvailable in the following versions: · 20" x 26" heavy weight paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9781587790539 · 20" x 26" heavy weight paper ISBN 9781587790546

Dimentions - 20 x 26

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