Bionix ShotBlocker




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Bionix ShotBlocker


Bionix ShotBlocker helps healthcare providers minimize needle injection pain associated with injection administration at half the cost of competitors.

Problem: Needle apprehension and pain can create anxiety associated with injections for all patients, children through adults. Anesthetic creams and freezing sprays can be costly, can damage the skin, and take time before working.

Solution: ShotBlocker, a novel application of the Gate Theory of Pain Management, uses a number of blunt contact points to saturate the sensory signals around an injection site distracting the patients from the pain signals of the needle poke.

Results: A simple, non-invasive, drug free method that instantly reduces needle plain and anxiety at half the cost of other methods.

Features & Benefits

  • Immediate Effect ‚Äì The contact points on the underside saturates the sensory nerves distracting the patient from the pain signals caused by the needle poke. No waiting for topical anesthetics to take effect.
  • Easy to Use ‚Äì Just press ShotBlocker firmly over the injection site and administer the shot through the opening.
  • Versatility ‚Äì Use for home injections or take with you to the doctor or pharmacist.
  • Saves Money ‚Äì Less costly than anesthetic creams, freezing sprays, or vibrating distractions. (Faster, too.)
  • Pediatrician Designed ‚Äì Invented with kids in mind!
  • Made in the U.S.A.

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