What Are Scrubs? A Comprehensive Guide

Carolyn Cumper
Published in MedShop Blog
0 min read
January 27, 2025
Medical scrubs have long been an essential part of any nurse’s wardrobe, no matter where you work and no matter your specialty. They’re designed to be comfortable to wear throughout long shifts, and also to help keep you clean and hygienic when helping patients with various needs.
Did you know, in fact, that the colour of your scrubs can even change how professional patients feel you look? Regardless of fashion, however, it’s always important to pick out a set of scrubs that fit comfortably and protect you and the people you help. Let’s dive deeper into why scrubs are so important.
The History of Scrubs: From Basics to Modern Day

Scrubs are relatively modern, having emerged at the start of the 20th century as medicine continued to evolve. Before the 1900s and enlightened times, nurses, doctors, and surgeons would wear everyday clothes and aprons for protection. Hardly the most hygienic approach!
Thankfully, studies into sterilisation helped medical professionals understand that there needed to be a clothing option to protect workers from bodily fluids and to ensure they could clean up more efficiently.
This led to the emergence of the white scrub and coat, which eventually evolved into the classic green nursing scrubs you see today. However, you can now buy scrubs in different colours for different purposes!
Purpose and Benefits of Scrubs
Most importantly, nurses wear scrubs because they’re loose and sterile. They’re to be worn purely in clinical, treatment environments, protecting patients from outside germs and workers and their families from bodily fluids and disease.
Here are the main benefits of wearing these clothes in hospital and medical settings:
They’re comfortable: People working in healthcare need to keep cool and free to move. Hospitals are hot and fast-paced at the best of times, and many nurses are on their feet for very long shifts.
They’re extremely hygienic: Scrubs are made from thick fabric to prevent fluids from touching the wearer’s skin. What’s more, they’re designed to cut off at the elbows to allow for people to wash their hands more efficiently.
They help to determine your department: In some cases (not all), scrubs can be used to designate nurses and staff to specific areas of hospitals and clinics. In fact, many of our customers tell us they purchase certain colours because of their specialism!
They’re affordable and easy to come by: Nurses and other medical professionals need to invest considerable money in the clothing and tools they use from day to day. While not cheaply made, they are affordable enough for people to replace at short notice if they get damaged or spoiled.
How to Choose the Right Scrubs

When looking for your first scrub tops and pants, it’s always worth measuring correctly so that you get a fit that’s comfortable and protective. If you’re facing long shifts, the last thing you will need is clothing that’s restrictive or likely to catch!
When choosing the right scrubs, you should look for a high-quality scrub line designed by a leading manufacturer, such as Cherokee.
Look carefully at user reviews, and be sure to choose a retailer with a strong track record. Otherwise, you could end up purchasing poorly made scrubs that barely last four or five shifts!
Also, prioritise scrubs made of fabric that wicks away moisture and is stretchy enough to keep you cool. Measuring your leg length for scrub pants and your chest size for scrub tops, for example, will ensure you choose clothing that fits without being too snug or too loose.
If you’re pregnant, you can even find maternity scrubs that will stay comfortable and adapt to your changing body.
In some cases, you’ll also need pockets for use on the ward and when moving in and out of the theatre. In fact, many of our buyers tell us that pockets are a must for keeping track of pagers, for example, when on the move between patients. Accessories and additional features that support your ease of work are very important!
You should also consider colour significance and patterns. In surgery, for example, it’s worth choosing mild, non-distracting colours, and when working with children, choose warm or fun tones.
Finally, always look for scrubs that mention how hard-wearing and long-lasting they’re made to be – this, again, falls under quality of manufacture. However, be sure to check out extra features such as ventilation mesh and crease resistance for the best comfort and longevity during work.
Scrubs for Specific Professions

During your search for the perfect nursing scrubs, you’re also likely to find variations depending on your role. For example, you might find:
Surgical scrubs, which are designed with specific thickness and wicking to keep hygienic in the event of bodily fluids splashing – and which are coloured to help prevent eye strain
Pediatric scrubs, which are typically designed in fun, bright colours to appear more warm and pleasing to younger patients
Veterinary scrubs, which are stretchy, comfortable and adaptable for vets working with a variety of animals
Dental scrubs, which can be highly stain-resistant and have handy pockets available for dentists and hygienists to use
Where to Buy Scrubs
Unless your hospital or clinic advises you of where to buy specific scrubs from, finding a reputable provider can be difficult.
However, here at Medshop, you have a fantastic choice of professionally designed and carefully made scrub pants, tops, and other accessories to support your work. We work with doctors, nurses, and specialists across Australia, supplying leading brand clothing and protection that genuinely weathers shift after shift.
Regardless of your nursing position or department, knowing where to buy comfortable, protective clothing is a must. Let MedShop take the strain of searching around for scrubs off your plate.
Browse our catalogue and be sure to measure carefully – and read more from our buyers to find a make and fit that supports you even on the longest shifts.
Cumper, S. (2024). What Are Medical Scrubs & How to Choose Correctly. In ScrubsIQ. https://www.scrubsiq.com.au/blogs/news/what-are-medical-scrubs-how-to-choose-correctly
Hribar, C. A., Avinash Chandran, Piazza, M., & Quinsey, C. S. (2023). Association Between Patient Perception of Surgeons and Color of Scrub Attire. In JAMA surgery (Vol. 158, Issue 4, pp. 421–423). JAMA surgery. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamasurg.2022.5837
Medical Scrubs and Why They’re Important - MedClean. (2018). https://medclean.com/about/resources/the-importance-of-medical-scrubs
Scrub Colors Meaning: What Each Color Says in Healthcare. (n.d.). In Care+Wear. https://www.careandwear.com/blogs/community/scrub-color-guide
Toohill, A. (2024). What Are The Purpose of Medical Scrubs? Prudential Overall Supply. In Prudential Uniforms. https://www.prudentialuniforms.com/blog/understanding-the-purpose-of-medical-scrubs

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