Why the Biolight Pulse Oximeter is the Most Popular Brand

Medshop Editor
Published in MedShop Blog
0 min read
September 4, 2018
With so many options for pulse oximeters, most of which are good options, why does the Biolight line of pulse oximeters sell better than all the rest?
It’s a good question, one I aim to answer in this blog. That said, this will not be a brand-by-brand review nor a how-to of pulse oximetry. It will not answer questions like, what does the pulse oximeter measure?
We covered that back in March with the blog: How to Read a Pulse Oximeter.
If you’ve read that piece, you may already have an idea of what Biolight offers that separates it from the pack of respectable competitors, Heal Force, and the most venerable of the bunch, Rossmax.
The latter one takes up more half space at Medshop Australia, likely because of the Rossmax reputation across their entire line of medical technology.
Biolight rises up as the most purchased, and arguably best oximeter for your money because it delivers a reliable measurement of oxygen saturation (SpO2) and a heart rate (BPM) every darn time.
It’s as ideal for the clinic as it is for the home, unit depending.
Which is the best oximeter?

Um, was the question “the best,” as in the best? The answer to that question depends on how you want to measure "best"?
Some would lean on feature-rich designs complete with OLED displays, pleth charts, anti-movement and ambient light blocking capabilities, and perhaps something that cleans itself and the dirty dishes.
For anyone who has ever bought an electronic device or vehicle, they know the promise of feature-rich experiences can often be the biggest disappointments. More tricks mean a more adept user and could mean more aspects that break over time.
For context, ask anyone who has purchased a pair of Bluetooth headphones in recent history about their experience. Best can more reliably be measured by competence, especially over time.
The best oximeter will continue to aid the user in measuring her or her patient’s SpO2 and BPM with accuracy. It will do this without fail, and without breaking the bank.

Begun in 1993, and headquartered in Zhuhai China, Guandong Biolight Meditech Co., Ltd is a relatively new company in the medical technology sphere.
For comparison, competitor Rossmax has been around since 1988, which is also fairly young, but still more venerable than Heal Force started in 1989.
All of this shiny newness hasn’t stopped Biolight from growing an internationally recognized brand for patient monitoring. They also deliver emergency care, fetal monitoring instruments, ECG, Hemodialysis renal care, and other digital health solutions.
Biolight isn’t some fly-by-night company either. Since 2011 they have been an IPO, and their stock is currently traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
The secret to their success, as they put it on their site is, “look[ing] beyond the technology to the experience of dedicated healthcare professionals and find inspirations in the needs of [their] customers.”
As such, Biolight dedicates 10 per cent of their annual revenue to research. If that weren’t enough, Biolight also maintains many long-term relationships with top universities, global health organizations, health and social responsibility organizations.
They stay actively involved in education, humanitarian missions, and patient care social projects. All of that and more goes behind every Biolight tool.
What is the best oximeter for home use?

Which of the Biolight oximeters is best for your at-home usage? Depending on your specific needs, there are more than one option in the Biolight lineup of oximeters. The most robust of the list is the Biolight M800 patient monitor, which is more like a computer than a simple oximeter.
At the time of this writing, the M800 fetches $395.00, which is quite competitive considering it offers a hi-resolution colour OLED display for spot checking and continuous monitoring as you prefer. The continuous aspect will go for a full 16 hours on 3 AA batteries, which is incredible.
Shop for the M800 NOW
Most users will be content to use something smaller like a finger pulse oximeter. Biolight has two models, one clearly for adults, and one clearly for children.
For adults, the SP02 is a great product at $88.00 (priced as of this writing). The pediatric version, which you know is for kids because it looks something like a cute blue penguin, with a display on its belly, is the same price as the SP02.
In fact, it’s the same finger oximeter with the same name SP02, but with minor design differences.
For children who might be afraid of medical devices, the non-threatening and cute bird face helps facilitate accurate readings. If you have kids, you can’t go wrong with this for keeping accurate measurements in the home.
Are finger pulse oximeters accurate?

As the finer oximeters outnumber the handheld versions, one must wonder if there is any compromise in their smaller designs? If your needs for tracking SpO2 and BPM require that you maintain continuous data, a finger oximeter isn’t going to do it for you.
It may be nice to have for taking quick trips away from home, but in the long run, you’ll not want to stray too far from your handheld monitor. Check with your family doctor to be sure in any case.
As far as accuracy goes, there is no oximeter which is 100 per cent accurate. There are simply too many variables to know that your reading is 100 per cent on point. Likely, however, if you are reading this blog you already know that.
Finger pulse oximeters can be very effective for monitoring changes over time. The Biolight lineup is solid performers in this regard.
So, what is the best pulse oximeter on the market?

Pound for pound, measured by popularity, the Biolight line of oximeters rise up to the top every time. You'll get the most features for your investment with every one of their oximeters.
You can shop the other manufacturers at Medshop Australia, and we’ll stand behind those products as we do with any of the products we carry. They’re all quality products. But, if you want to get the most for your money, you’re likely going to look at the Biolight oximeters first.
If you have more questions, don't hesitate to contact us.Shop Biolight Pulse Oximeters

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